Nowadays we got the best games. Like tv games. We got the best ones around. I should say: we got the best one around. Nowadays we got the whole #1 game, it comes on the tv so then I watch it. So, we got like college cory and they got their fucking brad parents with them. So, it's a real show, and they know it's a real show, but they know different amounts of the show. Like, they do dining. And the parents know it's gonna be politics. And they think they meet samantha's friend from liberal college and have dinner. And at the end It trolls the parents: Hey: are you brad? Like, are you, under tbh waiver rules, brad? Is that your final answer? And basically it always is, so that's then the parents learn it isn't chrissy from tech, it's actually a literal unhoused, and they learn they didn't know the show. So, now they like know know this unhoused, because of they had dinner and exchanged information orally. Remember, they have no digi. And It rudes the parents: give them 1 million. And if the parents say yes, they're owned. And if the parents say no, but that's then the parents learn now their stupid kid has to shoot the unhoused on live OR just straight up yeet themself. And obvs college cory over there decides to shoot someone else. Like bro's not gonna just die because not even any reason. The game is the best because It's trolling both sides, and metrics show that. |